Hannah White's project to release a brand new single each month for a year, continues at a pace with her latest "Child Of Mine". As ever there is always a lot to unpack with a Hannah single and this one is no exception, except perhaps for the musical aspect. There is a piano and there is Hannah's voice, and very little else apart from Hannah's own angelic choir of backing vocals.The tune is slow, mournful, there is not a lot to be cheery about.
The verses see Hannah take on the voice of a mother, passing on worldly advice that Mother could be herself or indeed it could be a mother in another part of the world entirely - the message could easily be the same. The first verse works as well if it is a suburban Mum sending their child to university as it does for a mother in a war torn state sending their child away in hope of a better life - The advice remains salient.
"Oh child of mine you are ready to go
I have packed you a bag but there are things you should know
The world is wide but not always kind
So go to it now
Go to it now
But keep it in mind"
The advice in the second verse can be for a different child, it could again be Hannah speaking to her own children, it does not even need to be the same Mother from verse one , the advice is as pertinent for a school trip to London, as it is a holiday in a country where there is great disparity between the rich and the poor..
"Oh child of mine there are things you will see
There are people who look just like you and like me
But they’re desperate and hungry with no place to be
It’s a hard thing
It’s a hard thing
A hard thing to see"
It might all sound a little bleak but there are pertinent points made on the causes of this strife and also a warning about fair weathered friends who will take from you, but cannot be relied on to give when needed. Whether of course the advice will be heeded is an interesting point, for no matter how well intentioned, some of this guidance can probably only be learnt too late - the hard way - no matter how much you are warned
The one bright light of hope comes in the final verse, that says, hopefully bad times are transient and will one day get better.
"Oh child of mine your troubles will pass
They hurt at the time, but time doesn’t last
In the blink of an eye your present is past
Child of mine
Oh child of mine
Child of mine
Your troubles will pass"
It is thought provoking stuff to cover in a 5 minute song and each listener will draw their own ideas about who at any time they think Hannah is speaking to. Quite possibly in saying what she'd like to say to her own children she has inadvertently become a voice for Mother's across the world !