CHRIS FARLIESINGLE REVIEWSSINGLE REVIEW: JENN BOSTIC - KINGDOMThe last time #TEAMw21 met up with Jenn Bostic it was at the Green Note, and for a couple of hours we were enthralled not just with her...
CHRIS FARLIELIVE REVIEWSLIVE REVIEW: SORREL NATION - MY GIRL THE RIVER - THE STABLES - MILTON KEYNESIt's always a pleasure to come to The Stables, even more so for a fine double bill introducing #TEAMw21 to an act we have never crossed...
CHRIS FARLIELIVE REVIEWSLIVE REVIEW: SAVANNAH GARDNER ALL STAR BAND & FRIENDS WITH TOMMY HARE - RECOVERING GOOD GIRL ALBUM LAUNCH - THE CAMDEN CLUBRarely if ever have #TEAMw21 seen such an outpouring as has graced this particular album launch facilitated by the good folk at...