Something a little different from Nia Nicholls, in that from the very start there's a thumping drum beat and a somewhat louder guitar and bass than we have been used to previously. Delivered in distinctly her own vocal style, just listen to the way she says "That's just my observation" or "My point of view" .this is a somewhat knowing and definitely feistier Nia than the one inhabiting some of her earlier songs and there's a reason for that.
This is a pretty catastrophic friendship breakdown played out on public with some pithy put downs. "You ain't a bad person but you sure ain't good I can still wear white but you really shouldn't". The bridge explains the breakdown "You stole my man and you broke my heart" along with a rather pertinent observation "You chase all your real friends away including me"
The chorus is lyrically pretty uncompromising, "Back up don't come any closer I don't want you on my front door step", it comes with a punchy instrumental backing, the only weak link being the line about "calling the cops", surely this new sassy Nia wouldn't need assistance!!! That minor quibble apart Nia acquits herself well fronting a rockier sound with and her sassier persona, it is going to be great fun watching her as she develops her songwriting further.
The single release party for "Back Up" is at Moles in Bath on the 12th March