Rarely do we get review songs that most people will know in advance, however the new release by Gasoline & Matches is an exception. The song that launched a range of t shirts even before it was recorded is shortly to be with us. Anyone who has ever seen Sally Rea and Steve Marks play live will be well aware of their drinking song "Never Have I Ever", in fact it seems to have been around so long that you almost imagine it must have been released before.
It's arrived and seems destined to be the song of the summer, it is good on so many different levels from the cheeky lyrics, and Sally Rea's spot on delivery, Sarah Jory's slide guitar or Stephens guitar solo. The production is equally magnificent with lots of neat little touches like the sound of a can of beer opening, or a little additional "No" after the line "Never have I cheated"
For anyone who has yet to see Gasoline & Matches ( shame on you they are great live!), the song is a drinking game
essentially a list of life experiences and when you hear one that you will own up to - you take a drink.
Here's a sample of the opening two lines and believe us there is plenty more to come as the song progresses.
"Never have I ever kissed my boss, never ever have I lost my phone
Never ever have I text my ex, just for sex never ever have I got drunk, never have I got drunk on my own"
The serious point hidden away in the jollity is contained in the line
"Never have i ever regretted anything I did" - it all goes to make you who you are.
Undoubtedly destined to raise the profile of Gasoline & Matches to a whole new level - we'll certainly raise a glass to that.
Available to pre order from today and released on the 19th July