Hot on the heels of "Nobody Somebody", comes Gary Quinn with the second of his 3 singles for early 2021. It is a bit of an about turn lyrically from the previous single as this centres on the events surrounding 2 friends and the perennial will they won't they question except this seems very much a one sided infatuation, inflamed by alcohol.
Musically this is another quieter, considered affair with an acoustic guitar and a drum machine providing rhythm for Gary to initially outline where we are
"Another shot of whiskey, I've seen that look before
The way your dancing with me, you've got me wanting more"
There is actually very little other instrumentation, a piano, a wailing electric guitar and a pedal steel punctuate the sound with little flourishes but the overall feel is tight and claustrophobic and there is a definite end of the evening slow dance ambience being created.
In many ways it is a brave and interesting subject choice for a song as lyrically it does not necessarily paint the singer in a favourable light, but what it does do, is capture the distorted perception of reality and the release of inhibitions that alcohol can bring.
So upon being told that "it's complicated" the singers view is that "You're talking differently with your eyes" and later when he openly admits "I don't know what you're thinking - but I feel you want me too!"
Things end a little unresolved with Gary trying to explain "It's not complicated" but as the track fades with some inexplicable clicking we can never quite be sure if he was successful with his charms although perhaps the cover with Gary looking a little weary and worse for wear may be an indicator that things did not exactly quite go to plan.
Gary once again sounds at ease and at home in his new modern sound and it certainly seems to have opened up a rich vein of songwriting for him.