Breaking the convention that says it is notoriously more difficult to write happy songs than it is is sad ones is Emily Kate. It's a tricky balancing act to convey the fact that you are cheerful in such a way that others listening can tap in and associate with it.
This really is a simple list of just how happy Emily is and it really seeps through in every syllable of Emily's joyous delivery. It starts first thing in the day when
"There's never enough time in the morning
Under these sheets, wrapped up with you"
It's a tribute to the power of love,that Emily is wanting to absorb every second and make it last forever.
"Time flies when we're together
I wish we could press pause"
The chorus is a further all out explosion of emotion
"I can never kiss you enough I can't believe our luck
When I pull you in close it's never long enough
You have me missing your touch, when you leave
It's crazy, I don't know what to do
I can never get enough of you"
To truly appreciate the good times you have to have endured the bad and Emily does address this, managing to turn negatives into something positive in the space of a verse
"I've always been afraid to fall
Had my heart broken but you've changed that all
I've let down my walls
You made me feel brand new
Can't remember life without you"
Musically it is relatively simple, there is some drum machine programming that stays just the right side of annoying, and some keyboards that dominate the early verses while the chorus bursts up into another gear, much as Emily does in her undying enthusiasm, which seems to be a mix of disbelief about what is happening, mixed with the sheer thrill that it is happening at all and happening to her!