Here at #TEAMw21 we have a very soft spot for Emilia Quinn, as part of our Buckle & Boots 2019 preparation in an attempt to find out about some of the lesser known artists we were given access to a pristine unused link of her "Wrote Off" EP, and she immediately went to the top of our list of artists to look out for at that years festival. It was completely different to anything we'd heard, raw and vulnerable while at the same time knowing and completely compelling. We've since seen her go on to deliver a stunning set at 229 and she is also been putting together a number of high quality bills wearing her promoters hat.
Initially it seemed that her new single "Mistakes" was going to follow a similar formula starting with a strident acoustic guitar intro and who would blame her for not want to tinker with a winning format, her voice perhaps a little rockier than previous and then wham 30 seconds in a full band join in and we are treated to a piece of southern rock blues. Not everyone can front a band of this volume but Emila does it with effortless ease on this high octane release that will be rattling windows and walls as of this Friday. With a vocal that veers between sultry and rocky this really is as good as it gets as she reminisces on a relationship.
Like the song the relationship seems to be high octane as well "I want to self destruct, fan my flames fire me up" there's a litany of fire references in the song, even the cover features the title spelt out by Emilia in fiery letters. This is also no one way relationship for as Emila pointedly asks "You say you've had enough, them why you keep coming back for my love". It may clock in at just over 2 and half minutes but in that time Emilia unleashes a powerful noise of thumping back beat and electric guitar that all but demands your attention and it certainly has got it.
With a further EP to follow later in the year - this has well and truly whetted the appetite for what is to come.