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  • Writer's pictureCHRIS FARLIE

Emilia Quinn - Child

Just over a year since she exposed her past via her "Medicate" EP, Emilia Quinn seems set to ruffle a few more feathers by potentially exposing her future - although in truth this song is more ternder and loving than anything else.

The cover sees Emilia looking statuesque, beautifully lit, looking as if she were carved from stone. She is laying herself bare, pretty much as she will do on the four minutes or so of "Child", This is also the first time that she has exposed her piano playing talent on record - which is going to open up her songwriting options even further in the future.

In "Child", Emilia lays out the expectations of herself if at a point in the future she was to be a mother.

The first verse begins with just Emilia and her piano, laying down quite possibly her most soulful, intimate vocal to date and deals with the prospect of having a daughter

If I had a daughter - wouldn't want her to be like me

Want her to love without malice - spread her wings and be free

If I had a girl - want to keep her safe in a world that loves to hurt

and share their hate"

This verse is the one that says as much about Emilia in the present than it does about Emilia in the future, the final line being a sad indictment of current times when sharing hate has unfortunately never been easier.

Her aspirations even take in the acceptance that a Mother / Daughter relationship will at times be fractious and there's an acceptance that this is a job for life, when times are both good and bad.

"I would raise her up, never let her down

She would always know that I would be around

Even when she don't want me by her side

I'll be close by."

It is nearly a minute in before the sound is added to by an electric guitar and some percussion, as Emila turns her thoughts to the prospect of her having a son

"If I had a son - i'd teach him that it's free

To let yourself feel, no matter what other people say

I'd make sure he knows that it's alright

To give a voice to the things going on inside"

The modern world has come a long way in regards of men being able to express their feelings about all sorts of things from health, depression through to sexuality but there it still a casual toxic masculinity still to be found in society without looking to far.

The third verse imagines a third scenario and while at first it may seem shocking to some - it is really just a reflection of the world we live in today, Emilia's reaction "I would be gentle, try to understand their point of view" is surely the most compassionate route to take - what would be the alternative?

"If I had a child - who changed their mind

And told me the body that they were born in don't feel right

I would be gentle, try to understand their point of view

Cos at the end of the day - they know what's best to do"

The final chorus by now sees Emila displaying her undoubted vocal talents, elongating notes but not in the manner of some wannabe X Factor starlet - this is proper singing!

There's a guitar solo totally in keeping with the song before it closes with Emila almost talking to herself, gently contemplating "If I had a child"

In the end as Doris Day famously sang "Whatever will be will be" all parents set out with the best intentions for their children and can do no more than use their own childhood experiences and add in the wisdom that they've gained in their time on the planet. Only time will tell if that's enough.

The single is available for presave/preorder NOW using link




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