As "Three Little Words" opens to the sound of some neatly played acoustic guitar and with a pedal steel in the background you could easily make assumptions about what the rest of the song was going to sound like based on those opening 15 seconds but you'd be completely wrong. !!
When Caitlin kicks in with her vocals we get details of a relationship but it is by no means a rose tinted glasses view
"We don't have to see eye to eye for me to love you"
which is swiftly followed by the line
"We fight about the little things just cause you're stubborn! but I like the way you make things right""
The chorus when it comes is raw and spiky however the band that excelled in the quieter sections of the song seem a little underpowered with a somewhat muted lead guitar unable to deliver the oomph really required but have no fear as Caitlin on her own provides enough electricity to see things through with her punchy delivery. Lyrically the chorus is as unflinching in its relationship portrayal as the earlier verse, can't recall many songs with lines the equivalent of
"Argue in a parking lot, throw things at me cause I wouldn't stop talking about how you made me feel"
however all of this goes to make a completely believable scenario as are the use of the "Those Three Words" of the title
"I hate you - boy they were made to break you" and its counterpoint "I love you - boy I can't live without you"
All relationships at some stage have swung from one extreme to the other.
There is enough here of promise to make Caitlin someone to watch out for and it will be interesting to see what else she can come up with given that she only started playing guitar during 2021.
Those Three Words is released Feb 12th and is currently available to pre order.