Surely ahead of the pack with an AI related tune is Brooke Law with her latest single "Real". When #TEAMw21 first heard this premiered in a live environment only a few months ago, it seemed far fetched or at least a glimpse into some dystopian future. Since then AI girlfriends, boyfriends and even AI deceased folk have regularly been making headlines. They are there to cater for your every need - the main problem being the A in AI, they are artificial and not as Brooke would correctly term it "Real"
The single comes with quite possibly our favourite cover picture of the year, with Brooke's eyes closed, as she is about to lock lips with a dummy head, lovingly held by her hand. If the cover is inviting, the song contained within also delivers with about three different sounds, one acoustic, one with a kick ass driving guitar and finally a synthy trippy bridge section.
The opening is one of the acoustic parts of the song with Brooke seemingly starting the day in style - her vocals only seem to halfheartedly paint the idyllic world she is describing.
"Waking up to the golden sun, and the colours rushing in
And you're feeling so high
Perfect house and a perfect job
Nothing is ever wrong and the days are flying by"
It is a modern day utopia but a Stepford Wives style of utopia - It's enough to raise Brooke's hackles and her vocals suddenly take on a passion as she gives vent to her frustrations.
"But isn't it boring when there's no surprises?
and I don't feel alive and you do nothing for me
and I can't live a lie"
The band start to kick in initially restrained the percussion urgent but more rhythmic tapping than pulsing back beat, the electric guitar jabs like a boxer testing his way in an early round waiting to unleash a flurry of blows - that opportunity soon comes with the chorus!
"I want the world to seem real where people fall in love and mess it up again
Beg borrow steal, nothings good enough but we try our best
We're only human we're not robots, no-one owns us
How'd you feel if no one really loved you for real"
The essence of Brooke's thesis, is that love never runs smoothly, the odd friction is bound to arise and that is what make it seem so vital and real.
By now the guitar is firing out power riffs, the drum sound has moved from tapping to pounding.
The second verse replaces stale mundanity of the opening one, with the things that make relationships special
"Staying out and it's going off, living in the moment, out of our heads" -
Brooke extends the final word over many syllables and as she finishes the guitar kicks in and accentuates it further.
"Doing things you'd never done, leaving your heart open in a beautiful mess"
In the trippy bridge section Brooke declares
"Make mistakes - I was born this way"
before making one final plea
"Please don't throw it away"
As ever it is Brooke's vocals skills that are what really sells the whole thing - her ability to transform from the the deliberately routine intro through to the closing repeating rocking of "If no one really loved you for real" are what makes her such a special talent.
Release date: 16th October 2024, via AWAL