Having followed Halle Kearns since her debut single "Pick Me Up" it will be a great pleasure to actually see her perform in person. That first single came out just as the UK went into Lockdown and it was a bright highlight at the time in an otherwise gloomy world.
There are many things that make Halle worthy of further investigation, her overall sound has stayed true to its acoustic roots, and you can nearly alway trace where the song began so if she comes over to C2C with just an acoustic guitarist for company she should not find it too daunting.
Halle seems to be quite a complicated character for one so young -her songs are not one dimensional by any means - as mentioned in her current single review there is a strong working ethic that runs through her material, even that debut single opens with the line "It's been a long week worked 9 to 5 plus overtime ".

She has strong family ties her parents crop up in a couple of songs notably "Big Shoes To Fill" and "I Drink Whiskey" yet it is the songs that break the conventional norm that are the ones that make Halle most interesting, the ones that are willing to concert human fragility be it her own or others.
The pressures of life explored in "Happy In This Bar" or "Are You OK?" are counter to the expectations we might hold of an aspiring Country singer. Her latest single the excellent "High School Friends" although not written by Halle obviously chimed with her as a performer and her wider audience.
There may be bigger names at C2C 2024 but "Whatever You Do" make "Plans" to catch Halle Kearns.
Halle Kearns - Will be performing t the following stages,
The Barrelhouse Friday 13:40
The Saloon Friday 15:00
The Wayside Saturday 14:00
The Icon Stage Sunday 12:00
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HV5NS2mrIA Pick Me Up