The Dryes - husband and wife duo Derek and Katelyn Drye have been pumping out quality material for the last couple of years - their latest, "Yes" is included on this months #TEAMw21 playlist and is a fantastic addition to their collection of material.
Opening with a reminder of their marriage vows "Till death do us part, you had my heart until the end that's what we said" it is a comparison between the dream on the day and the reality years down the line, and like any couple there will be ups and downs and the lyrics accurately touch on a number of points that will be familiar to many and happily they reach a positive conclusion "I'll take you worst, I'll take your best as long as we keep saying yes". The "Yes" from Katelyn is a marvelous dreamy extended "Yes" that takes the chorus to another level entirely.
One imagines that their success in marriage must be down to their honesty, imagine sitting in the writing room and coming up with - "We won't get it right all of the time and you have my word I'm going to let you down" or the lines "I'll start a war, and you'll go slam the door you drive me crazy but I'm not backing out".
The "Yes" of the title is explained on the bridge
"Yes to every cutting word We wish we never said
Yes to laying down our hurt Then makin’ up in bed
Yes to our whole lifetime of forgivin’ to forget"
All of this is performed over a sleek refined backing, which sounds far bigger than the actual instruments assembled, just listen to how the keyboard is used sparingly but to absolutely maximum effect, The duo's final "Yes"'s as the song builds to a climax are stunningly good with each giving maximum effort.