Since the release of her debut single "On My Way", Florence Sommerville seems to have done nothing but play live, relentlessly picking up valuable experience both here and in the US. 2025 is already looking like being a busy year with a string of dates already planned, as she seeks to grow her fan base including a statement of intent show at London's Green Note. Timed to coincide with those shows and to maybe challenge expectations of what Florence's sound is, comes her latest single "(I'll Be Your ) Best Broken Heart" which has her playing with a full on band including keyboards, Her somewhat bashful persona from "On My Way" has also been drastically overhauled on this single as she turns into totally different beast!
Co-written with among others, a name familiar to #TEAMw21 Shantell Ogden, this finds Florence produced by Alan West and playing with a number of the band that provide the sound to the "A Country Songbook" touring show. It has very much the live feel of a band playing in a big space. As the band kick in, from the off, there is a solid back beat along with delightful keyboard sounds of piano and organ and a mixture of guitars. It certainly sets the scene for Florence to unveil her new, more forward self. some sort of travelling femme fatale.
"I've seen that look before
I know what you are falling for
You better reel it in
Cos what you wanting I can't give
I'm not the picket fence kind
Wish I was, but I'm not gonna lie"
Florence's initial vocals are quite restrained as her persona has a weary "I've been through this before" vibe for much of of the opening verse, it is only as she stats to approach the chorus that she starts to rev up and go through the vocal gears. The final line hints at some wish of domestic bliss, but nothing else in the song particularly seems to allude to this hankering for a quiet life. Instead the reason for her reticence to get seriously involved is more laid out in the chorus.
"I'm here for a season - I'm known for loving and leaving
I've got a gypsy soul, that's something that you need to know
I'm all in for the moment, I'll be the best thing you have going
Even when I leave a mark, I'll be your Best Broken Heart"
The chorus itself sees a more forthright delivery from Florence.
This peculiar travelling heart breaker lives by her own rules
"This is how I love - It's ok, if that's not enough
It's all up to you, just wanted you to know what you're getting into"
and as if it needed reinforcing - Florence vocals ramp up further to enforce the lines that define her character in this song.
"Nobody's going to tame me
Nobody's going to change me
Don't need nobody to save me"
So apart from a few lyrical reservations, the main takeaway from this single is how at ease Florence sounds fronting this formidable ensemble. Having seen her full live set, #TEAMw21 can confirm that this is but a canape, a soupcon of what is to come over what should prove to be a fascinating year.