Opening to a strum of an acoustic and electric guitars and subsequently a rich organ sound is "Death Of Me" the latest single from Angie K. With an appearance at the end of the month at the Long Road Festival it's timing could not be better as frankly it is magnificent.
It details a one night stand acknowledging that it is not the right thing to do but that it beats the prospect of being alone. There's a slight raspiness in Angie's delivery as well as the ability to perfectly capture the narrators dilemma
"Baby, this love is gonna be the death of me
You're everything I want and the last thing that I need
I'm walking through a fire and it burns so good
Can't look away though I know I should
Baby, this love is gonna be the death of me"
The steamy heady excitement is perfectly captured in the second verse - once lit the fuse is impossible to put out
"Baby, this love's gonna put me in the ground
I really don't care long as you're the one to lay me down
Take one more drag of his cigarette lips
Pick my poison and take a sip"
There is really remarkably few instruments on the the recording but producer Stephony Smith makes each one count, the delightful electric guitar that perfectly punctuates the track, is given room to breathe being a prime example.
The final verse sees the reality of the liaison for what it is
"Maybe this love really ain't love at all
It's just two people with their backs against last call
It don't feel like heaven, don't feel like home
But it sure beats the hell outta being alone"
The chorus throughout is a constant reminder of the ongoing dilemma playing out
"Well, it's alright that it ain't gonna be alright
Yeah, it's okay to draw towards that neon light
Tonight, I want a touch that makes it hard to breathe"
It's a neat little vignette, a passing moment that is playing out in bars across the globe - Angie K treats the listener like an adult and the result is a perfectly crafted single.