The third single to come from Kezia Gill since her nationwide tour of last year and each one just gets bettter and better. For her latest "House On The Hill" Kezia seems to have transported herself back in time to about the early 1980's for the sound inspiration, a time of groups like the Go-Go's and so we have a background of uptempo drums and that familiar intense guitar sound and it sounds fabulous.
Our lips certainly won't be sealed on saying how good this is, for although the sound may seek inspiration from the past, the message remains pure Kezia which is drawing inspiration from all around her. It has served her well so far and will surely do so again. because much of her fan base have made followed Kezia's meteroic rise over the last few years they will already know what many of the lines of the song allude to.
So when Kezia sings in the second verse about
"I've seen the desert of Australia - Drove across the states of America
Drank wine in Greece and danced in Spain - But I’ve always come back home again"
or in the third verse
"Stepping out on every stage - In cities all around the UK
But my heart won’t find harmony - Till I close my door and it's just you and me"
these are all journeys, that her fan base have vicariously travelled along with her and they will also know the one thing that Kezie treasures above all else, is her home life and the chorus makes that patently clear.
"But I don’t miss the places where I dreamed that I would go
The place I miss the most is where you and I have built our home
A little piece of land, in this world that we’ve explored
A garden with a holly tree and our number on the door
No matter where I wander to my heart remains there still
With you in the house on the hill"
Vocally Kezia is almost restrained on this one - it doesn't need the bombastic approach, the band and the production with its occasional additional echo are generating the exceitement required - it just needs Kezia to get her message across and she does that perfectly on this little pop classic.

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