Looking to kick the 2021 off in some style is Gary Quinn with the first of 3 promised singles for the opening part of the year. In terms of sound it is definitely has a modern feel that fits Gary well although he could have done with erasing the ubiquitous finger clicking that appears briefly during the first verse..
There is feeling of space as the song opens to an electric guitar firing out notes into the ether before Gary and a keyboard come in. As ever proving that less is more there is very much an acoustic feel to the opening verse, you can hear the gentle percussion of the guitar being tapped for instance and this blends nicely with sonic palette that has been unobtrusively added in the background.
Things do kick up a gear later on with the addition of a bigger drum sound and more guitars both electric and pedal steel but these do not threaten to overpower the overall feel of the record.
Written by Gary, Kyle Schlienger and John Gurney, we find him in something of a contemplative mood realistically assessing where he currently is in life, professionally and personally with the personal part very much an appreciation of all that he has.
"Never gonna be the guy with three cars in the driveway, or standing on the main stage spotlight pointing my way"
acknowledging the "you made this nobody somebody" and that the right person "turned him to a king".
With the observation that "You've got me living the dream" this is very much a song about giving thanks and paying tribute. The front cover has Gary casting out something of a steely stare, letting you know that this is truly heartfelt before he has even uttered a single word.
Looking forward to seeing what else has come from these sessions.
Nobody Somebody is released January 8th and is currently available to pre save