Jeorgia Rose is someone that #TEAMw21 have been waiting to see for a while. Her singles whenever they drop are extremely slickly produced little pop country masterpieces. Watching her soundcheck a couple of thing stood out, one that she seemed toweringly tall and second that she had assembled something of an all star quality backing band for someone with just three singles.
To the left of the stage as wel looked sat the inimitable CJ Hillman on pedal steel and electric guitar, while on the right #TEAMw21 favourite Jimmy Brewer was to be found supplying electric guitar and when required mandolin. Even at sound check the jangly pop melodies promised that something special was coming.
Racing back from the Paddock Stage we caught Jeorgia midway through her latest single "That Day", a delicious classic country sound replete with a Jimmy Brewer solo. Jeorgia had a confident stage pesona and looked totally at ease as she regaled us about how "I WIll Still Remember" was written when she was only16, The single is a little mini classic but live it seemed to go to another level, maybe fractionally faster than the recorded version, driven by the contributions of CJ and Jimmy, topped off by Jeorgia's vocal prowess to make something truely special.

"Remember Me" saw Jimmy switch to mandolin and CJ to electric guitar. a ballad leading to a chorus of pop sensilbility.
This was to be an all original set and highlighted Jeorgia as a definite one to watch out for. Her third currently available song was "Recipe For Disaster" which again in the live environment simply shone - this was UK pop country at its finest.
Closing with "Safe Place To Land", this closed out one of our favourite sets of the day, pretty much faultless and really whetting the appetite for what she might produce going forward.