Hailing from the Midlands, next on the what was an extremely impressive opening day was Gasolene & Matches, otherwise known as Sally Rea Morris and Steven J Marks. Their eponymous EP of last year was really something quite special and well worth seeking out, so it was great to be able to spend some extended time in their company. If anything so wonderful is it that it probably took the first couple of songs tonight to adjust to hearing them in a more stripped back format with just two guitars and a stomp box,
They may have been different versions, but "I'm Not Into Country" and "If You Wanna Stay" still were highly entertaining, and certainly for the second song they were really getting some volume from those acoustic guitars. There is lots more to come from Gasolene & Matches this year and their set would prove to be littered with potential songs for future releases "Damn You" with its almost Spanish style guitar solo being one of them.
From the EP "Tequila's A Healer" maintained its slow bluesy feel and was hugely enjoyable. There then followed a snappily delivered version of "The Artist" with it chorus of "Don't lie to the one that you love, love the one you lie with" superb stuff. Currently back in the studio, the new songs they are working on sounded very strong, "Patient Wolves" has a touch of the sound of a wide open desert prairie complete with Steven providing some prairie dog yelps!!. Another new song was a co write with #TEAMw21 favourite Jenn Bostic, "Smilin' Viper" delivered a punchy in your face no nonsense chorus.
For the final few songs, there was foray into looping which worked out really well and brought another dimension to the Gasolene & Matches live sound. With Steven, able to set up loops on guitar and effect a drumbeat by tapping on his guitar to create another loop, the cover of "Girl Crush" was a great success and even succeeded in getting the first festival dancers on the dance floor. More looping followed with the closer, the "drinking song" that has launched its own poster and range of T shirts! "Never Have I Ever" was a cheeky good natured closer bringing to an end a highly entertaining set.