The perils of the quick turnover on the Big Entrance stage were best exemplified by Megan O'Neill, all sat and ready to kick off her set with "The Ghost Of You" but no working piano. In the end with the piano ditched for the time being, it ended up with "What Are We Waiting For?" being the opening song with Megan gently strumming her guitar instead. It was a case of second time lucky as she sat at the keyboard again and it all worked, a little smile rippling across her face as she could then play "The Ghost Of You", the title track from her excellent album of last year.
For the slow ballad "Let's Make One Up", Megan's voice seem to swirl all around the area surrounding the Big Entrance stage in a hugely impressive style. Over the last 18 months Megan seems to have been extremely prolific and a couple of new songs today showed that there was no sign of this abating, "Ireland You're My Home" was the first, impressive on first listen detailing the reasons why she misses home "I'll take the rain over sun" and where "summer never lasts long" being a couple of phrases we picked out. It was beautifully sung and is sure to touch many hearts. Given how prolific she is .it was perhaps strange that she released "Girl Crush" as a single last year, though it was perfectly suited for a C2C crowd, on a Saturday afternoon despite the O2 trying to ruin the vibe by making a security announcement midway through it!,
With a lot of time lost to the technical difficulties there was only time for one more song, another new one "Rootless", immediately likable to the point that the O2 crowd were soon joining in on the chorus. It may have been a shortened set today but there is so much more to come from Megan in 2019.