The job of opening C2C 2018 fell to 2 Bands, while the Adelaides were rocking the Town Square Stage, the job at the Big Entrance Stage fell to Jeannine Barry. First impressions of the Big Entrance Stage were that the sound seemed better than in previous years and it was certainly crisp and loud as Jeannine's backing band launched into "Off The Hook", with Jeannine herself in fine voice as she was to be throughout the whole festival. This was followed by the "Nashville Dreamin' Country" version of "Bittersweet", a rockier version than the more soulful version released on the "Bittersweet" EP.. The mood slowed a little with the heartbreak song "Burning bridges" with Tom on guitar doing a particularly fine job. The band were in fine form and were a perfect foil rather than overpowering Jeannines vocals they were happy to play the perfect support.
There was some punchy good time feeling if slightly seasonally incorrect in "Long Hot Summer Kiss" before the mood slowed again with a new acoustic number that had not been worked up into a full band song yet. "Dreams" saw some of Jeannines best work, particularly expressive on the lines "When I Thought You Were Mine". With the newly released funky twang of the single "Sweet Spot" to close out on, the festival was well and truly opened.

They appeared the next day on the Busker Stage as an acoustic band, with a cajon replacing the drums and an acoustic replacing the electric guitar. The set was broadly similar with Jeannine holding a great sustained note during "Dreams" and the single "Sweet Spot" able to be reinvented without that distinctive electric guitar sound and they were able to generate a healthy crowd.