Just in time for C2C 2018 where she'll be making at least 4 ( count them!) separate appearances comes the latest single from Jeannine Barry.
Last year saw her release her best EP to date with the stunning Bittersweet EP which saw her go to a stripped back basic format. She then also became an honourary Texan during Texas Takeover Week and it is perhaps this influence that has taken the lead on this latest single that continues her rich vein of recording form.
It comes with a prominent drum beat and a lead guitar that would not be out of place on a Brad Paisley single. It is a funky Nashville tune attached to an instantly memorable chorus with rich backing vocals that should go down a treat at the O2 this weekend.
Lyrically it's a goodbye to someone no longer needed, "You're still running around town with your boys playing games" - and finds the singer in a much happier place.