If ever there is a need to get a party started there is only one mans number that you need to have on speed dial. Thorne Hill is a man who puts absolutely everything into every performance, I suspect if there were only 2 people present he would give just the same effort but today as he kicked off with "Fired Up" he continued to build on the groundwork so excellently laid last year.
His band may have had a slight change in personnel but the results were the same, high intensity songs with pumping choruses mixed in with the occasional ballad to let the man get his breath back.
This was a high octane set, that was lapped up by the sizable crowd, "Catch My Breath" kept up the tempo while "Put Your Hand In Mine" put the audience to good effect with some of the most fantastic arm waving that would be seen across the weekend. Such was the ferocity and effort put into the vocals on "Open Road" you could literally see the veins throbbing on Thornes neck from the side of the stage.
The frenetic pace of the first four songs had to relent eventually and "Fly Before I Drown" was delivered with such aplomb that an audience member was moved enough to kiss Thorne's outstretched hand, he knew he had seen something special!
The slight respite soon passed and the race was on to pack in as much as possible within the time limits of the set. The band were to be given a full work out as "Rhythm and Booze" led in to the full band rock out of "New Name And A Dress" which then led into a Quo-tastic version of "Nothing For Something. There was even time to squeeze in the latest single "What If It's Just Tonight" before he had to call time on a hugely enjoyable set.