Life would seem to be about to change for Grace Kelly quite considerably over the next few weeks - her relative anonymity is set to disappear - first of all she'll be opening the evening session on the Buckle & Boots Paddock Stage before then having her 2nd EP "Table For One" launched the following week.
So to quickly fill in a few gaps - Grace hails from New Zealand though now resides in the UK - she can play both guitar and piano and from the various clips on YouTube she seems to have been doing this for quite some time.
Her songs have the exuberance of youth about them, married to a pop sensibility Expect big melodic choruses, neat word play and a diversity in sound. Grace has the makings of someone set to shake things up a bit and we can't wait.
Her previous EP "before" spawned a viral hit in the shape of "San Jose" a lovely piece of country pop that boldly wore its influences on its sleeve yet remained distinctly individual, for a debut single it was exceptional. Grace also has a "Nashville" version of Robbie Williams "Angels" under her belt however what we are likely to see at B&B is probably more to be based around her forthcoming "Table For One" EP.
The opening single of the new EP, "Carry On" comes with an edited version for those who want to avoid the first verse "F" bomb and it already shows a confident development in overall sound and in Grace's vocal talents, she has indeed literally found her voice. She may be young but don't expect a shrinking violet - we fully expect Grace to grab the audiences attention from the very off and having had a sneaky preview of "Table For One" it should be a great way to start the evening.
Grace Kelly Plays The Paddock Stage - Friday 18:05
Table For One EP Launch is at The Eagle Inn, 19 Collier Street, Salford, M3 7DW in Salford on the 2nd June - Grab a ticket while you can - it'll be a miracle if there is still a ticket on sale after she leaves the stage at B&B