Something of a Christmas giveaway if you are on Emily's mailing list but available for streaming from the 13th Dec if you are not, in the form of a cover of Emmylou Harris's "Roses In The Snow".
I'm not sure that that saying it is a cover does it justice in any sort of way, the two versions could not really be more different.
Emmylou's version, of what is let's face it not the cheeriest of tales, is somewhat happy sounding, never have the lines "Now God has taken my darling and left me with memories" been delivered to quite such an upbeat jaunty tune.
Emily Mae's version has the feel of someone who genuinely might just have lost their love, such is the pathos in the delivery. Forget the bluegrass of Emmylou, we open to a gently played piano as Emily lays out how she met and married her sweetheart. Joined later by at first by a sympathetic guitar, the song swells to incorporate some wonderful strings and a multi layered backing vocal which take it to a completely new level. Top marks to Emily Mae for both seeing the potential in the original and for realising it in such a beautiful version - it tops off a quite excellent year for one of the rising stars of UK Americana.